Sunday, April 29, 2012

Was Andrew Breitbart's Coroner Assassinated?

Andrew Breitbart's death is full of conspiracy fact.

Breitbart's Coroner was Possibly Poisoned?

As the Los Angeles Coroner ruled that Andrew Breitbart had trauma when dying. It may be that the same coroner died from being poisoned.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The American Idiot Award: The Tea Party Caucus

Lemon Global's American Idiot Award goes to the Majority of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress who voted for CISPA.

Friday, April 27, 2012

CISPA: Who is to blame (Special)

On this Lemon Global News Special we are going to expose who's fault it is that CISPA passed congress.

Obama lost the youth!!!

The question to many is if the youth this election will be ignorant once again?

Thursday, April 26, 2012


CISPA Has Now Passed the House of Representatives.

Let's clear liberty's name, before it is destroyed

If Ron Paul wins the Presidency, will you be ready for if the worse happens?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Global Warming Debunked by Facts

The Global Warming hoax is exposed for what it is and is clearly debunked.

King Obama's problem

You may have thought Obama in 2008 wouldn't be that bad of a president; but now he has been one of the worse presidents of all time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why we need to fight hard against CISPA


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fact + Fiction = Worried Crazy Killers

Do you want to know the secret of Abortion, Eugenics, Global Warming, and Expodential Growth?

Friday, April 20, 2012

4:20 Special ; Who does marijuana? Is their life destroyed?

You may have heard that Marijuana destroys lives, but is this true?

4:20 Special ; Prohibition is now 72 years old

What does our founding fathers say about
Marijuana, and what is today?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ron Paul Is the Most Influential Candidate

Time magazine has announced that Ron Paul is the only influential GOP Candidate and in an online poll, Ron Paul beat Obama as the most influential person in the U.S. Presidential Race.

Mel Gibson is being demonized

As A Jew, I am tired of angry Jews screaming Anti-Semite to every person who is mad at them.

Britain: "We hate Freedom!!!"

Britain has spoken, the socialist state of course hates American freedom philosophers and leaders; But is it because of demonization?

The Bills To Kill

These are two bills that we have to kill if we want to keep at least some of our freedoms in 1984.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ron Paul: Bradley Manning is Innocent

On April 12, Ron Paul explained that he would protect Bradley Manning if he was

Britain: "We like Napoleon more than George Washington

Britain may be way more different than America than we think. As a museum gave them the chance to speak, the words may show what the British people really want.

IRS Wants To Take Away Your Passport

Did you hate the IRS yesterday? Well you will really hate them now!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Tea-Party Is A Koch Funded Neo-Con Club

As we believe the GOP may die as a major political party, we will expose exactly why we feel this.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

FBI Grown Terrorists Are Really Actors

As the United States Government wants you to think that all lone wolf terrorists are dangerous, you may be amazed to learn that they are...

Friday, April 13, 2012

War Is Peace, and Money Is Toilet Paper

The Afghanistan War is not wanted by the people, will the Government completely listen?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homeland Security Is Spying, Again...

The DHS is now exposed as what they are, the DHS is actually a CIA for American Citizens.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Who is watching you on Facebook?

Why is Facebook important; is it important as a tool to resist a police state, or a tool for the police state?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boycott Netflix!!!

We are now calling for the Boycott of internet hater Netflix.

We Give $8 Million Per Day For A Holocaust

A Holocaust, Ethnic Cleansing, or Genocide; call it whatever you want, but we give $8 Million a day to a country that commits acts of terror to a certain type of people that are both Muslim and Christian.

Ron Paul vs. Mitt Romney

Now has Santorum dropped out, the delegates he had are now unbound (they will be if Santorum releases them, anyway). Santorum, alone was the puzzle piece holding people from supporting Ron Paul.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Netflix anti-internet superpac?

Netflix is becoming practically a lobbyist group?

Ben Bernanke a Hero? Yeah, right.

Propaganda tries to make Ben Bernanke look like a hero, we will expose Ben for what he truly is.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ron Paul is the Frontrunner!!!

The mainstream media ignored 10,000 supporters Thursday, and still Ron Paul is called a loser on the evening news. The truth is, Ron Paul is the frontrunner.

Friday, April 6, 2012

CISPA Exposed!!!

The current Internet Rape Bill has well over 100 congressional co-sponsers and is being bolted through congress.

Obesity Is Whose Fault Again?

With the obesity rate growing fast, whose fault is it?

North Dakota Delegate Fraud!!!

The North Dakota Establishment has hikaked the system of a democracy. The GOP is trying their hardest to make Romney win.

Do you want your freedoms back?

The Patriot Act and the NDAA are killing our freedoms in America. Obama even has more power than King George did in 1776. Welcome to 1984!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Did the race war begin?

The Mainstream Media manipulated the Trayvon Martin shooting to the point of a race war.

"Kony 2012: Part II" is restricting people's feelings

Kony 2012, the viral video that was about Ugandan War Lord Joseph Kony which was created by USAID centric group Invisible Children has yet again created another U.S. Government Propaganda film.

The Supreme Court Hates The Constitution

In the Supreme Court Case : Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders of County of Burlington (April 2, 2012), the Supreme Court ruled that the 4th Amendment doesn't matter.

Internet Censorship!!!

We will expose CISPA, Arizona House Bill 2549, and the Twitter Censorship on Lemon Global.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

And the Taxpayers' Friend Award Goes to Ron Paul

While over many want to spend money in Congress and in the Senate, Ron Paul does not.

SOPA Reborn!!!

H.R. 3523 is SOPA Reborn, and congress is right now trying to push through this new anti-internet bill.

Will Cursing be outlawed In Arizona?

Arizona House Bill 2549 which is aimed at Online Bullying may cause more harm than good.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Santorum Falls From Romney

On Tuesday we seen that Santorum can not win, Santorum has no delegate plan and no plan to win primaries.

Ron Paul: Independent Candidacy Maybe After GOP Convention

On WMAL in Washington D.C.; Ron Paul stated that he may run as an independent after the GOP Convention.

"President Paul!!!"

While all the other candidates are for Government Control of Social Issues and every other issue; Ron Paul is the only candidate for freedom.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ron Paul Has 380 Delegates!!!

With the news coming from all the unbound caucuses exceeding our guesses, we have now adjusted the Delegate Count closer to the truth.

Ron Paul: "I'm trying to save the Republican Party,"

Ron Paul stated this on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” Sunday.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Obama states that he is no different from a Republican.