Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Heartless 71 Year Old Demon, Gets A Heart.

Dick Cheney probably took a heart from someone who would practically need it more.

It is of course unknown how long Dick Cheney will live, as the normal age is around 75 years old or younger when death arrives.

Cheney and his family may be happy at the arrival of a heart (as he was a heartless human for about a year).

In 2010, Cheney had a ventricular assist device implanted in his body. This is a device that pushes blood through his body, and therefore makes him and many others heartbeatless.

So with the happy news for Cheney getting a heart and a heartbeat, the sad truth is who did they sacrifice for his nobility.

Does somebody with a record of heart attacks and killing innocent children and women deserve to live longer? This monster should have kept his Zombie State artificial Beatless Heart.

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