Friday, December 30, 2011

Rick Santorum, the surging islamaphobic

If you watched the Main Stream Media lately, you have seen Rick Santorum is "surging" in the polls.

This surge is of course happening because of the Main Stream Media ramping him up. Now the Main Stream Media has shown their power to do this to every candidate except for Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul.

Santorum most likely isn't even registering actually to the Iowa Caucus goers, as this whole surge is based on the Media talking him up and creating a false rise to bring Ron Paul's percentage down.

But since the Main Stream Media has been talking Santorum up, I will expose his dangerous ideas, because no Main Stream Media outlet will.

Santorum has talked about profiling terrorists in America, as he stated once in a debate:

"Muslims would be someone you would look at (as being terrorists)..."

Here is what Santorum fully said:

To profile Terrorists would be really dangerous. This would be very similar to what we did during WWII, as we threw Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps.

We have actually been doing this since 9/11 but now with NDAA almost in effect, we could do this to our own Muslim Americans, as defined by the NDAA you only need to be suspected as a terrorist to be detained indefinitely and if we profile Muslims then that would be all the suspection the Government would need.

This is actually much different then what we did in WWII though, as we collected an ethnic group; but now we are imitating Adolf Hitler and are talking about collecting people of a religious group.

Under a Santorum Presidency we will have a Hitler on our hands. Our Concentration Camps (FEMA Camps) will be full of Muslim Americans and it is because of our ignorance.

How?, you may ask would the U.S. Government find out who is Muslim, well this is where your Facebook account comes in handy.

Are we East Germany?, just think about it. In Germany the most people in the Camps were a religious group and the rest were other minority groups, will the Government single you out.

Under many administrations I could see this happening, but Ron Paul is the only one fighting this dangerous thoughtline and injustice.

Here is a video to watch and think about:

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