Saturday, June 16, 2012

Don't write in, Ron Paul!!!

Here is why you shouldn't write in Ron Paul.


  1. Brandon Immel, how DARE you tell us not to write-in Ron Paul when you say you're for LIBERTY.

    If you delete this comment you're as bad as the big government you claim you're against.

    1. Yes I am for Liberty; that is why I am telling you not to waste your vote.

      Vote for somebody who is running; unless Ron Paul wins the GOP Nomination (very unlikely as he himself said it won't happen, therefore the reason he changed the goal to changing the GOP Platform) or runs as an Independent, don't bother voting for him (cause he isn't running).

      Gary Johnson is for Peace, an end to the Police State, an end to the Drug War, and for an audit of the FED and he is the most Liberty Minded Person running for President.

      How dare you waste your vote; when liberty is on every ballet in all 50 states.

    2. “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” -John Quincy Adams

  2. dude, you're crazy if you think Johnson has a shot at winning the presidency

    1. I am sorry you are brainwashed into believing that only Republicans and Democrats can win.

    2. I'm sorry if you are brainwashed that Johnson has any shot of winning even a single state in 2012.

  3. Ron Paul has not quit. Stop listening to the MSM.

    1. No Ron Paul is not quiting; but he has gave up trying to become the nominee.

    2. Perhaps but he still has a trillion times better chance at becoming President than Gary Johnson ever will.

  4. how to make your write-in vote count. #ronpaul

    1. So suing is the plan? These groups will never come together.

  5. will I'm just gonna be a little open minded here , if Ron Paul wins the Primary than we should get behind him if not we have to talk to are committeemen so we can vote Ron Paul on the Ballot, and he will be on the Ballot in some states and if he is vote for him if not you have 3 Options vote Ron Paul in Write in if Possible , if not vote Gary Johnson the Libertarian Party's Candidate or Virgil Good e the Constitution Pattie's Candidate, The Popular vote does int deter man anything in Primaries or yet alone general Premeditated elections Point: Ron Paul and Gary Johnson bouth have a good shot at becoming Pes as long as it ante Romney/Obama Im ok with it.

  6. keep in mind if you voted Republican in states like Texas you might be bound as a voter to vote for the GOP so if Ron Paul looses try and see if you can vote 3d party if not withhold your vote or vote Ron Paul/Gary Johnson etc and if you get aristed challenge them through Court and if possible A pearls Court don't light up Never vote Romney , Never Vote Obama , Gary Johnson/Ron Paul/Virgil Good e are way better Options then Obama and Romney I'll tell you guys that much right there

    1. The general election has one ballot, you don't declare Democrat, Republican, or Independent.

  7. Brandon Immel if you want u can reply to my commits and add input if you perfer feel free to call me Long , "Michael J. Long" is my name nice to meet you

    1. Nice to meet you too. You absolutely understand what I am saying.

  8. will thanks Brandon Immel I aprsheate it Ill take that as a Complement
