Saturday, July 7, 2012

Only 70% of American Adults Agree With The Declaration of Independence?

Is America full of enough sheep to actually come against the Declaration of Independence?

Rasmussen Polls did a poll on if people agree with the Declaration of Independence. The sad thing is they found out that only 70% of American Adults agree with the Declaration of Independence.

13% said they disagree with the Declaration of Independence and 17% said that they are undecided on whether they agree or disagree with the Declaration of Independence.

30% of America rather doesn't know what the Declaration of Independence is or just hate it.

While this poll shows that 70% of American Adults agree with the Declaration of Independence; really the majority must literally not.

If this country truly had 70% of People who agree with Declaration of Independence then we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

Our Federal Government would be abolished or altered back towards freedom. We would have instituted a new government, or have had no government.

If we had 70% of American Adults agree with the Declaration of Independence, then these 70% would also exercise it.

Our Government would bp longer be corrupt in America if a majority believed in the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence gives us the right to abolish the U.S. Federal Government and this idea is simply more American than Apple Pie. To have the right to abolish the Federal Government is crucial to keeping the Government afraid of us, We the People.

We have the right to have any guns, or anything the Federal Government has to simply keep the Federal Government afraid.

We have the right to speak out against the Federal Government simply to keep the Federal Government afraid.

All our rights are to be used against Government, to keep them afraid. The reason to keep the Federal Government afraid, is to keep the Federal Government simply staying on the path they need to be on.

Right now our Federal Government has more power than King George. Right now our Federal Government is shoving more people in jail per capita than anyother country.

We are no longer the land of the free, but we are rather the land of the slaves and prisoners.


Brandon Immel is the Editor, Writer, and Reporter for Lemon Global. He is currently running for Ohio's 98th District State Representative for 2014 and is the Director of an Ohio based Protest Organization Group called Pro-(1)ne.

1 comment:

  1. what your talking about here is NOT the Declaration, but More the Bill of Rights. The Declaration is a list of grievances and a statement of Intent
